FAQs for Givers
How does the giving work?
We will work with you to set up a recurring, tax-deductable donation to One For Health based on 1% of your wage. This will likely take the form of a direct debit, but we are currently investigating workplace giving-style arrangments and various other alternatives to maximise the ease of this process.
How are projects selected for each giving cycle?
- Each giving cycle we will be inviting charitable organisations to put forward proposals of projects that they will use the funds for - We will also be approaching organisations that we think are doing great work in our community and offer our support - Givers will be welcomed to propose projects that they are passionate about so they may be put forward to the group - We are currently developing criteria that these proposals must adhere to that aligns with our organisational values - From these proposals, we will work with the expertise of our advisory committee to establish a shortlist of potential projects (eg 5-10) that we believe will be both feasible and create meaningful change in addressing an aspect of health inequality. This will be a transparent process. - In the leadup to each giving cycle, the shortlist will be voted on by the givers, with each giver having an equal voice in deciding on the final projects. The top 1-2 voted projects will become our partner organisations for that giving cycle.
When can I expect to see these projects start?
We hope to start collecting funds in 2023 and start the selection processes concurrently. At this stage, we envision that giving cycles will occur 6 monthly, and will ideally distribute our first major donations in mid-2023
How do I know my money is going to the projects?
The funds will be donated directly into the Public Ancillary Fund established by One For Health Ltd., with receipts available for your donations. This structure legally ensures that any funds leaving the fund will be donated to registered charities. As a charity ourself we are bound to not using these funds for anything other than the mission of the project. We welcome any questions or concerns and you can contact us via the contact tab on our website. - Givers will receive regular updates on the progress of the projects we invest in.
What if I'm not happy with the projects we're contributing to?
- Our model brings together like-minded people to who get an equal say on where their money goes, choosing from a shortlist of high-quality projects. - You have the ability to suggest projects for shortlisting, and every year we will donate to multiple of projects. With this model, we hope everyone can see their money go towards projects that they’re passionate about. - We are planning to announce project funding roughly twice a year - so you’ll know our partner organisations and the impact of your donation within a few months of commencing giving. - Money you donate throughout the year can’t be refunded - but you are free to withdraw your contributions at any point.
What do I need to do to be a part of this project?
- We welcome everyone in One For Health to get involved in a way that works for them. We understand that some people want a relatively easy way to give to projects that they care about, and some would prefer to be more involved. - The minimum we ask of each giver is to establish the recurring payments and then vote each giving cycle. - However we also welcome givers to bring ideas to the table, establish feasible projects and bring these forward to the group. We want to emphasise that this is a collective of like-minded people finding the most impactful way to donate- this sets us apart from most charities.
How big an impact can we have?
The impact of our projects will grow with the amount of givers. We believe that with a realistic goal of 50 givers in 2023, we will have roughly $40 000 available for donations. These funds could, for example, be used for four separate $10 000 projects. We believe that this significant amount of funding can create real change. For more information, check out the case studies on our 'givers' page
How is One For Health running without using some of the donations for operational costs?
Our model (and the law) requires that donations into the public ancillary fund must be donated to other charities. We'll be releasing some more information on how we will cover our (minimal) operational costs (things like this website domain, accounting software) in the near future. Stay tuned!